Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Turkey Rolls

They're called turkey but any lunch meat works.

Well, not really, most lunch meat is full of nitrates and crap that is gross and really bad for you. So take your time, read the labels and find some lunch meat that is just that; meat.

Very simply, spread cream cheese on meat and roll.

So easy and so popular with the kids!

Put a pickle in the middle.
Use a stick of cheese instead of cream cheese and roll it up in meat.
You can slice these and make pretty little appetizer snacks for ‘snacky meals*’

*Snacky meals are super popular around my house.
 They can consist of pretty much anything as long as it can be cut up and served in little pieces. A peanut butter and banana sandwich is only so exciting, but when it is cut up in 6 pieces and served with small pieces of cheese, grapes, roasted garbanzo beans, cucumber slices.... you get the drift; finger foods are popular for a reason, you’ll be amazed at what you can slip on your kids’ plates!

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