Monday, February 4, 2013

Must Vent!!

OK, I almost left the dinner table last night to come VENT!! Sometimes I feel like giving up on my picky household! 

The dinner scene:

Husband: "What is this salad dressing?" Translation: "I don't like it."

Three Year Old: "I don't want lasagna." Translation: "Please can I have cereal."

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!  WHY DO I BOTHER (yes there is anger in that statement)!!

At least the four month old can't talk yet (and only drinks mama's milk).  I have hope that he will be a good eater!! 

I will wake up and try again!

Can anyone relate?? Erin, don't answer! Jessica, I know you have stories!!

Don't worry I can laugh at my pouting at the dinner table =)) 

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain, Bretta!

    When my sister and I were in our tween years my dad got really into gourmet cooking. My sister and I were obnoxiously picky. We had thus far subsisted on my mom's limited repertoire, which, with the exception of two of her staples (creamed tuna on toast and beef stroganoff) we found more or less acceptable, because they were mostly things like tacos, burgers, fried chicken, canned green beans. Then suddenly, we were expected to eat things like ahi and sauteed snow peas?! We balked.

    One day my dad was in the kitchen preparing his latest stir fry dish. There was a box of Hamburger Helper on the counter. My mom may not have been an adventurous cook, but she had never stooped as low as Hamburger Helper. Tony's pizza, yes, but somehow HH had been deemed totally unacceptable. We feared it.

    "What's that for?" I asked with suspicious indignance, glaring at the box.

    "That's for anyone who wants to complain about what I'm making for dinner."

    Enough said. No complaints from us. We knew he was serious.

    For the rest of my time at home my dad would put that box of Hamburger Helper on the counter whenever he would make a new recipe that might not please the princesses.

    I have not employed this method of intimidation yet, simply because I am afraid my kids would call my bluff. A cute little glove with a smiley-face, beckoning my kids to sample the msg and corn syrup solids inside its box? I think they would be all over that.

    But I will keep brainstorming to solve our picky eater woes. Until then, I can only offer my empathy and camaraderie.
